Thursday, December 2, 2010

Donald Morgan artist lecture!

I really enjoyed hearing Donald talk about his work! He was my painting teacher last term and it was really interesting to hear where he comes from as an artist rather than a teacher. I have great respect for Donald. I was particularly interested in his Oregon forest stump cement pours. He called them Middle Nature. I went and looked at a few more of them online. When I originally saw them in class I thought they looked like geodes or some sort of natural rock formation that was small scale. Now I see an aerial view of stonehenge or something much larger.

The way he made them was very bad ass. Not only was the process really interesting (and life threatening) but the outcome was incredibly beautiful and couldn't have been created any other way. He made up his own form of pit firing sort of. In my own artwork I really enjoy creating an original process that I feel has never been fully explored. It seems like Donald has the same interest in creating a new methodology for his art creation.
He can somehow approach an issue like "drunk vs stoned" or "poop log" and still treat it with dignity. He sees the humor in it but still approaches it with a certain level of seriousness I liked that he put an emphasis on his study of other artists in history as well as his artist friends.